sexta-feira, 2 de janeiro de 2009

5B "Window glass garden
Fused, enamelled recycled glass. In twin bathrooms, 90x15cm each.
All green like the jungle.
Transparent yet obscuring, protecting view for all parties.
A commission, this fed of its location of an architectural house in a jungle environment. The importance of this matching was valuably learnt.

Companion pieces show cellular life and flowers from paper to glass.

>>ufe, that wasn´t half the story. The red landscape came from the sweepings from off the floor of the stained glass workshops at FCVB stuck together with that wonderful resin from Germany. I love this one, upside dow, back to front, different lights...

The long window curtains, the sweepings from the atelier of Rossana Gobbi. Glass vandal extraordinaire, difficult and endearing, a definite influence.

This glass curtain installation was for a very lovely old lady who needed help in her house with her arquitect´s vision for crotch height bathroom windows. They really grabbed attention and coloured up a plain space while gratefully leaving a little more to the imagination for people who might happen to look in.