quinta-feira, 1 de janeiro de 2009

2B "Xicot de luz" -light boy.
Modern glass laminating technique. 120x 40 cm
Childlike size colour and moving parts beg interaction.
Erratically sawn edges polished smooth to touch make it is startling yet endearing.
Aims of innocence, violent harmony.

Companions pieces show a child´s head, different materials colours and forms yet the same qualities.

>>This glassboy is in the care of Casa Mike where it stands for peoples enjoyment and interaction. I am very happy for that ;)

These are the original terrible texts I wrote at the last minute for a portfolio in february 2008. It was for showing the best, most cohesive examples of the different paths I´d been down in glass work. And stipulated that I had completed between feb06 and feb08. So terrible where the texts the next day after spending a night exhusted with rewrites I removed them before printing, hoping the images would explain themselves. The white page showing reflections and influences, the language, i was going to say "labuage", of the title piece on the black page. Well, I think the photo set up in the printed book did a good job by itself. Here in a blog however there is more hunger for text, a substitute for not living the pieces in real life, for having to put up with my shaky photography.)

This text is for the photos in the first entry below, dec08.
o1A "suneats city"
Traditional lead Stained glass technique, 90x 45cm
One of tryptic panel that read "eat think rememer" in the cityscape.
Wavy transparent cathedral glass, the apparent emptiness of space, full of seeds and striations.
Green grisalle, fecund land depth as far as the eye can see,
yet obscured
Yellow screen print enamel, grains of sand dot out and "amg odyu oare godI" and occasionally combine. A mantra, proven valuable.
Coloured cathedral, deep blue sea, also the waves from the sun penetrating space and the earth.
A cause of life and death.
Companion pieces playfully thought of as being scaled up to colossal size.