sexta-feira, 2 de janeiro de 2009

portfolio feb06-feb08

>>Thank goodness I am not rereading this now, as I would surely not publish it, but this is the text for the portfolio introduction for NCAD, while comtemplating a return to my home town.

We have here Five promontory pieces and companion pieces hoping to express two themes. And how my thoughts progress through blind intuition onto a satisfying thing.

I feel very lucky to be so touched by my upbringing, jobs and travels. When open to the creative process influences and intuition surge. From the immediate environment and the less reported external environment, chemistry and structure, physics and scale, the power of words, the power of food, belief, colour, light. Many cultures many interpretations. Life
gives and takes endless hope. And experienced, working craftspeople, valuable wisdom.

Rather like hydrocarbons permutations of scale, material, structure, environ ment, assembly and especially location, change the worth almost infinity

Intake of light, output of light, reflectivity, reflections and projections colour form and presence emanate and affect mood and sense of being, to not say sense of the host- environment´s being.

Theme A is Names that are not what they are.
To give the example military intelligence is tired like the public at large is to hear how it doesn´t.
So, I look with my eyes and see: jewish bacon, chemical structure, a metal glass structure, animals, happy birthday, healthy food. To get an idea.
In the end it is not what the name pretends.

Theme B is Beauty. The hope, Science is natural, Nature is beautiful.
So concepting Science and Nature and Humanity give beauty, dependent perhaps on the humanity.
Adjectives abound, words are not enough.
Honing the craft and increasing understanding give me belief (in god/humanity).